Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Introductions are in order!

Introductions are in order…

            Hello computer and computer world.  I think it necessary to begin, well shit, at the beginning I guess.  I am Bradley Wik, yes, of the world famous and internationally renown Bradley Wik and the Charlatans; and this is an interwebs blog-type-thing.  For years now, people, and by that I mean our innumerable die-hard BWC lovers, have been telling me to get with the now and get online and stuff or whatever the fuck.  They say that this is the information age and there really isn’t much out there in the way of a BWC backstory or much information about the individual members.  People want to get to know Bradley Wik, for some odd reason, and see what makes him(me) tick.  In the olden days, musicians were shrouded in mystery and rumors and we loved every goddamned minute of it.  That was half the fun.  They were like mystical characters, geniuses hidden from the public.  But now that’s all gone.  People need a constant feeding of information regarding their favorite public figures and since I’m morally opposed to Facebooks and Twitters and am in no way capable of keeping myself limited to rigid word or character counts, I figured a blog would be the best way to do this.  No one cares, or should care, what I do on a daily basis anyways or what band I’m going to see tonight or what the sandwich I just ate for lunch looks like(whichever turkey was on sale, I can’t remember, and spinach, not too great) or what movie I just saw and if I liked it.  They just shouldn’t.  You get what I choose to give you, however much or little that may be.  And that’s the way it should be.  And if you don’t like it, there’s plenty of bridges in Portland.  Raise the collective IQ a little bit.  Just saying…

            Speaking of intelligence quotients, let me clarify that this is in no way an intellectual blog.  Please do not come in expecting to be enlightened or learn anything relevant to the world, outside of pop culture.  I will not explain why carbon is natures best natural binding element or why fusion creates four times the amount of energy as fission.  You do not need to know the quadratic formula nor do you need to understand what a hypotenuse is and how to calculate such information.  This is merely me, Bradley Wik, ranting and raving and rambling through various topics which strike my fancy and are, at least hopefully, somewhat entertaining and funny.  That being said, this blog is mostly just for me.  My girlfriend, my friends and my band are most certainly tired of listening to this shit and would love for me to have an alternate means of expressing these ridiculous, but well thought out, arguments on why I hate this or love that and so on and so forth.  I’m going to talk about whatever the fuck I want and you can, freely I might add, choose whether or not to care or keep reading.  If you love Mumford & Sons and don’t want to read about how much I hate them, then don’t, unless you have a sense of humor about it(I read everything I can find about why people hate the Boss and just laugh and laugh since he’s my favorite musician ever).  Keep in mind this is mainly for entertainment purposes.  But before going any further, I should mention that I do use a bit of “blue” language and cover some topics not really geared towards the younger people(read:  children).  So, if you are a small child, or the parent of a small child that catches said small child reading this and are super overprotective and don’t want them to read this, then stop reading, or, parents,  make them stop reading…  NOW…

            Phew, now that they’re gone, we’ll continue with the rest of you.  If YOU, yourself, are just easily offended and have no sense of humor, then, does Fuck You sound simple enough?  Get the fuck out of here and stop ruining it for all the normal people who like good shit.  OK, now that we’ve weeded out all the kiddies and assholes, I’ll move on…

            Like I said before, this is mainly about pop culture:  music, movies, maybe even books and art(though I wouldn’t want to make your brain hurt too much.  Remember, not an intellectual blog), sports(GO PACK GO!) and basically whatever else passes through this brilliant mind of mine.  As I mentioned earlier, this is mostly just for me; to get this nonsensical bullshit out of my head and for you to get to know me better; which hey, you wanted, not me.  Keep in mind, also, that this has nothing to do with the rest of the band.  It is merely the views and opinions of Bradley Wik(me, but I like to say my name.  It makes me feel good and more important than I actually am) and is in no way reflective of the band as a whole; but seeing as my name is kind of all over the band, I guess it is, at least a little.  Anyways, if you want to read a more well-thought out, well-written, not as rambling or angry or as offensive blog where you might actually learn something, please check out Nick Kostenborder’s(our drummer’s, if you’re keeeping score at home) blog at: http://capncrash.blogspot.com.  So, finally, if I haven’t chased you away and your interest is piqued, hopefully sexually as well, welcome to the OFFICIAL BLOG of Bradley Wik.  Read on and enjoy, motherfuckers…

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