Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Saturday Night was awesome, today is not... aka... (hopefully not) an impending Meniere's attack...

Special thanks to all those who came out and listened on Saturday! It was a last minute deal and I’m very appreciative for all the rapt attention, laughter at my (very random and sometimes nonsensical) jokes and for all the support I’ve received in the Davidson/Cornelius area since moving to North Carolina back in August, which seems like forever ago at this point (in a good way!).

But, for those of you new to the blog, I, unfortunately, have Meniere’s Disease; which is an inner-ear disorder affecting hearing, vision and balance amongst other things. And, even more unfortunately, my non-Meniere’s ear, my left ear, is having some sort of issue which is making it hard for me to do things today. I’m hoping I don’t suddenly have Meniere’s in both ears, which would truly suck. But, it is currently difficult to continue looking at a computer and writing, so I’m going to sign off early as I really just wanted to thank those who came out Saturday and then go try not to freak out about my ear. Ears are important to musicians, I hear. At least I do when I’m not having issues like today…

If you want to know what Meniere’s does to me, READ THIS BLOG POST about my last attack back in August. Needless to say, it fucking sucks. It starts with minor hearing loss (makes everything sound dulled), slowly moves towards more advanced hearing loss, then affects my vision, balance and finishes by leaving me bedridden, nauseous and unable to move due to vertigo while the rest of the room gets to spin round and round like a ferris wheel… Not my idea of fun…

Also, for those of you new to the blog, scroll down to the next post (or click the blog post labeled “Genesis (the band), Hallmark Movies and NewsRadio... aka... this may be my life's work...”) to see Bradley’s normal level of random, silly ranting about things he (and likely only he) thinks are of great importance…

(dictated but not read)

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